The Medical System will Leave Patients to Die Without Help

Bobbie made attempts to report her surgeon Dr. G. James Avery II to his supervisors, but she feels as long as he doesn’t kill anyone on the operating table, the hospital will prefer the money surgery brings in, versus stopping the damage he is doing with his so-called Thoracic Outlet Surgeries. So she feels they will let him continue these very controversial surgeries until he gets hit with a lawsuit. She is still in the process of reporting him to Medi-Care. She even wrote her own lawsuit and got it filed with the courts but has been unable and too disabled to shop for an attorney, most of whom, do not practice Medical Malpractice in California anymore because of the cap on pain and suffering.

They all tell Ms. Jenke she must find her own expert witness for the case before they would agree to take the case. Yet, Bobbie knows of no doctor who will even try to extend her life, or begin to openly disclose what was done to her since she suffered iatrogenic injuries. (injury done by the medical profession). “Doctors protect each other, while at the same time, they fear another doctor might sue them if they tell the truth,” says Ms. Jenke. “The patient must just suffer, and have care withheld until they die,” says Ms. Jenke. She calls it “Medical Murder“.

Bobbie also feels the Medical Board of Examiners will not help her. “They would only be interested in a doctor who is killing patients in the operating room, or getting multiple complaints“, she says. “The investigations are done in private without disclosing to the patient what evidence was used in their making their decisions. I think they will find a way to ignore my complaint,” she states. “I’ve had many doctors look at me in shock when they see the physical damage Avery’s surgery did to me, but I’m certain none of them had the courage to report my condition, even after reading the surgical report,” says Bobbie. She feels Dr. Avery did a surgery he was not qualified to do, for a condition she didn’t even have, and he ended up mutilating her.

She describes how Dr. Avery changed as soon as her surgery was over. Bobbie remembers, “He came to my bedside on my third day in the hospital and spoke quietly so no one could hear him, stating, ‘when I get back from my rounds, I don’t want to find you (still) here.’” He told her later in his office, at one of her two follow-up appointments, that he did not like the way she was showing her mother how she couldn’t touch her nose after surgery, says Jenke.

“I went to two follow-up appointments, driven by a social worker down to San Francisco, literally squirming in my seat in so much pain, and Dr. Avery just yelled at me to tell him what was better. I realized then he was never going to help me,” says Bobbie. “At my second follow-up appointment he yelled at me for wearing a Velcro sling around my waist to occasionally rest my arm in”, says Jenke. “He wanted me to swing my arm when I walked, but my shoulder blade was hanging loosely and it hurt my arm too much to do that“, she says. “When I tried to explain this to him, he would just yell at me, or leave the room abruptly and terminate the appointment, refusing to refill the pain medications I needed as he left in a huff,” states Bobbie.

Bobbie is currently approaching all legislators with patient advocacy agendas, and state and federal consumer groups. She is also having articles about her experience with blacklisting published on some websites. “I hope that some of my efforts might help others, who are facing patient blacklisting like I am,” says Bobbie. “Maybe there will be an empathetic Senator or Legislator who believes the life of one badly battered educator is still worth saving.”

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