UCSF Violates HIPAA and Denies Patient Care

Bobbie now knows that once a person is surgically damaged like she is almost all physicians refuse to openly disclose or document the damage. Many physicians in Santa Rosa have terminated care after seeing her just a few times. Jenke says they usually send me a discharge letter after I start asking them for referrals to specialists to assess my problems. Bobbie says, without a proper diagnosis, establishing a treatment plan is impossible.

One place that outright violated Ms. Jenke’s patient rights is U. C. San Francisco Medical Center. Recently, a local neurosurgeon in Santa Rosa, Dr. Eldan Eichbaum tried to refer Bobbie to U.C. San Francisco Medical Center Neurosurgery and Neurology Departments, but Neurosurgeon, Dr. Nicholas Barbero and Dr. Edwards in Neurology refused the referral. One time several years ago, Ms. Jenke tried to get help from Dr. Louis Messina in the Vascular Department at U.C.S.F. Medical Center. Dr. Messina, who was the chief specialist in surgery for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome offered Bobbie no helpful diagnosis or referrals. When Bobbie tried to contact Dr. Messina again by email requesting help after the Botox damage, Dr. Messina violated HIPAA Law and her patient right to privacy in a return email, diagnosing her with a “psychiatric disorder” of which causes her to seek “unnecessary surgeries.“ He then he sent the email to Bobbie’s mother, to several surgeons in his department, and to a psychiatrist at Langley Porter, Department of Psychiatry at U.C. S. F. Medical Center. She has retained a copy of this email as well.

Both Bobbie and her mother denied his claim in emails and letters stating she had only sought treatment after her Rolfing injuries and had no prior surgeries, but it was too late. Dr. Messina had successfully sabotaged her care and labeled her with a false psychiatric diagnosis at U.C.S.F. Medical Center, and violated an important HIPAA patient privacy law. Ms. Jenke states this is another form of patient abuse of the “iatrogenic” patient, including a form of blacklisting, defamation of character and denial of care.

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Patients For Access to Quality Care
P.O. Box 3454
Santa Rosa, CA 95402
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